Dr Sandra Mejak
Dr Sandra Mejak is a Sport and Exercise Physician based in Karrinyup, WA. Dr Mejak has a wide breadth of knowledge that can assist elite athletes, recreational athletes, and active individuals in the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal injuries.
Dr Mejak’s experience includes the following:
- State Medical Officer for the Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA) including Western Warriors, Perth Scorchers, and the Western Fury.
- Medical Officer for the Hopman Cup
- Australian Institute of Sport
- Victorian Institute of Sport
- The Australian team at the 2010 and 2014 Commonwealth Games
- Commonwealth Games Polyclinic in 2006 and 2018
- Queens Baton Relay 2006
The treatment of medical conditions in active people is also something that Dr Mejak can assist with, and she has a special interest in treating asthma, female issues, paediatric and adolescent sports medicine, and fatigue.
Dr Mejak has worked with teams in international and national competitions in basketball, hockey, shooting, soccer, volleyball and netball. She has performed official medical screening for the AFL draft.
Dr Mejak’s wide knowledge of musculoskeletal pain and injury can also assist those who are not physically active.